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Good Things Happening

Some see challenges… we see opportunities! During our post-week meetings, MA educators met (from 6′ apart) to reflect on the successes and learning experiences of virtual school then to ponder the possibilities for the future. Having fostered a culture of continuous improvement, we are eagerly developing intentional plans for multiple scenarios: (1) safe school on campus, (2) virtual school, and (3) a hybrid of both campus attendance and remote learning. Our preparations are not final, as the CDC, local government, and risk management continue to make changes in their recommendations. However, of this we are sure: we will be prepared to implement the necessary plans regardless of what the situation looks like.

Summer is always an exciting time on our campus… renovations, updates, and changes that make the place nicer, safer, and more usable for our students. This summer is no exception! We will bring you photos and details on the switches and upgrades in rooms, technology, and safety. We continue to be grateful for the generous gifts and grants that make these positive changes possible.