Spiritual Life
Madison Academy believes that the Gospel Commission to “Go ye therefore and make disciples…” should be fulfilled on our campus, in our neighborhood, and throughout the world. To that end, we intentionally provide a host of opportunities to connect faith and learning, serve others, and prepare for the soon coming of the Kingdom. A few of these activities include:
Daily bible classes
Regular classroom prayer time and prayer requests
Elementary, Middle, and High School chapel's
Ministry Tours to local churches
Spiritual Leadership – worship talks, skits, song service and special music.
All these avenues help students grow spiritually and accomplish our mission to: “do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8
Know God
Students at Madison Academy will receive a foundation in their Christian walk through our discipleship and weekly chapel programs. Teachers have class worship every morning. MA holds a special week of prayer program twice each year. All of our curriculum is interwoven with Bible history, art and culture with Jesus as the focus!
World-Wide Calling
Community outreach opportunities
International Mission Trips
Spiritual Enrichment – prayer & leadership conferences