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Madison Global Missions – Panama 2015

Madison Academy’s missionaries are preparing for a great adventure to Panama.  For ten days, twenty-five students and adults will be working on a church and leading out in a daily VBS program.  What a priceless experience for our young people!!  We would love for the school family, church, and community to support with this outreach by helping with supplies for the VBS program.  We could use any paper supplies, scissors, crayons, crafts, clay, and coloring books.  Please feel free to drop off these supplies to Madison Academy before March 3.  In addition, we would be grateful for your prayers during our trip.

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Academy Day 2015

On Monday, February 23, thirty-eight potential students gathered for a day touring the campus, engaging with students and teachers, and connecting with their class.  This impressive group of teens will be a fantastic addition to the Madison Academy family.

2015 Academy Days

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Valentine’s banquet includes hockey game

Students, friends and staff of Madison Academy enjoyed a Valentine’s banquet planned by the Student Association officers. This special evening started at Landers Plaza in a meeting room that was transformed into an elegant dining experience. Guests sat at tables for eight and started eating eating salad, pasta and sauce, vegetable, rolls.  The dessert bar had many choices: brownies, vanilla or chocolate pudding, and cake with options for toppings.  The SA sponsors announced the winner of this year’s courtesy contest.  Dustin Battenberg was named the king and Abbye Waterhouse queen. Later in the evening, Mr. Jamieson emceed two games.  Students were invited to the front and given a word and ten seconds to sing a song with the word in the lyrics. Next students and staff were asked to participate in a game that involved voting with a shoe.  Contestants gave each other one shoe. Then they were asked a question and with the competitors back to back they responded by lifting the shoe of the person they thought best answered the question.  After the meal concluded the next event was to attend the Nashville Predators hockey game.  The Predators defeated the Winnipeg Jets 3-1. During the game, Dustin kept his crown on and attracted attention of the cameras including some time on the jumbo-tron along with his friends sitting around him. After the game each student made it safely home.

Girls and Guys basketball teams win championship

The Madison Academy Lady Knights won the Division 2 championship at the Andrews University Cardinal Classic Basketball Tournament.  Later that night the boys varsity basketball team won the Division 2 championship.  This is the 3rd year of the interscholastic athletic program at Madison Academy.  Abigail Anderson was selected MVP on the girls side and Kelvin Del Valle was selected MVP on the boys side.  You can watch the games on youtube.

Girls Division 2 Championship Game

Boys Division 2 Championship Game

Article in the Tennessean

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Community Supports Career Course

Brad Schultz, CFO of Skyline Medical Center, welcomed sophomore students in the Career Education course to their board room for a look at the many careers available in the medical field.  Students heard from Andy Hooper, Director of Human Resources, who discussed job opportunities in a wide range of fields that serve in a hospital setting. Dr. Steven Press, maxillofacial surgeon, shared his education track and career experience complete with fantastic (and graphic) before and after pictures of surgeries.

Along with the many informative and inspiring presentations from professionals in the community, students got a closer look at business operations at Clark Distributing Company.  Later this semester the students will tour the Federal Reserve Bank in Nashville.

Knights and Lady Knights both are in the championship game

The Madison Academy boys basketball team and the girls basketball team reached the championship game in the Andrews University Cardinal Basketball Tournament.  You can watch live at 5:45pm CST for the girls championship game and 7:00pm CST for the guys.  Both teams are playing in the Division 2 championship game. Mr. Johnson states, “It will be an all Knight game.”

MAatAU  What time is it?

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Sacred Revolution

Sacred Revolution 2

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Students participate in National Mathematics Competition

Seventeen students at Madison Academy participated in the 66th annual American Mathematics Contest 12 and the 16th annual American Mathematics Contest 10.  The contests were held on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. The students competed for local, regional and national student and school awards.  The contest, which covers high school mathematics, is given in participating schools. Its purpose is to spur interest in mathematics and develop talent through the excitement of friendly competition at problem solving in a timed format.  In 2014, over 220,000 students from 4,200 schools participated in the AMC 10 & AMC 12 contests. This year the winners are based on unofficial results as announced by Mr. Wayne Mosher for the 9th-10th grade test: 1st-Mike Downs, 2nd-Rachel Hudgens, 3rd-Cody Tishaw.  For the 11th-12th grade test: 1st-James Park, 2nd-Ashley Gonzalez and 3rd-Nathan Johnson.

Basketball season ends with Andrews University Tournament

The final games of the regular season for the JV and varsity boys basketball as well as varsity girls teams are this week.  Once done the varsity teams will go to Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan and participate in the Cardinal Classic Basketball Tournament.  Click on the links to see how each team did and the results of the Tournament at AU.

2014-2014 season

Boys JV Basketball

Boys Varsity Basketball

Girls Varsity Basketball

Andrews University Cardinal Classic Tournament

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Acrofest 2015

Madison Academy Acros participated in the annual Acrofest that featured the Southern Adventist University Gym-Masters as clinicians on January 29-31 at Highland Academy.  Those in grades 5-12 were eligible to participate and learned or enhanced their skills in tossing, pyramids, tumbling, three highs and other gymnastic activities. On Saturday night teams performed their routines with the Gym-Masters giving the final performance of the evening.

Watch the Madison Academy Acros routine

“Pinning the bar”

“Pinning the bar-Acro perspective”